Poster/Oral Presentation

Abstract management is powered by Oxford Abstracts
The Poster/Oral Presentation event aims at attracting active researchers and students in the various fields of neuroscience, and providing them a platform to present their work to our audiences in the form of oral/poster presentations. Oral presentation winners will get ProWritingAid annual subscriptions worth $79!
Abstracts are invited from original research or systematic review conducted in Neuroscience and its allied fields.
All abstracts must be submitted via Oxford Abstracts Portal.
We are offering a select few participants the opportunity to make an oral presentation. This process is selective and based strictly on merit.
If you opt for an oral presentation, the review board will screen your entry on the basis of merit. The review process will be blinded. If your abstract qualifies for an oral presentation, you will be intimated by the organizing committee. If your abstract does not qualify for an oral presentation, you are still eligible to submit a poster (if your submission is accepted).
Each submission can have a maximum of 4 authors listed. Each individual author can have a maximum of 2 affiliations listed.
Each oral presentation must be presented by a single presenter only.
The presenting author must register for the Neuronovember Convention. However, it is optional for other authors to register for the convention.
The upper word limit for the abstract submission is 400 words. The title must fit within 200 characters.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 16th November 2020, 11:59 PM IST.
Abstract acceptance will be notified by 18th November 2020.
All registered delegates of this convention will receive an Abstract Book, which will contain all abstracts selected for oral/poster presentations.