2 Minute Solutions

This one of a kind event is designed exclusively for Highschoolers, to give them a chance to enhance their thinking skills and problem solving abilities, by tackling real world research problems and coming up with innovative solutions for the same.
Deadline for registration is 11:59pm IST on 20th November.
You must be a high school student in order to register.
We will provide you with a real world problem and assign you to your teams on the 21st of November (the first day of the conference).
​You then have the following week to work on creating a video outlining an innovative solution to the problem based on theories of psychology or neurosciences.
​While you have the creative freedom to format your video as you wish, the total time should not exceed 2 minutes.
​You may attach your submissions to the google form link given on the 'event registration' hyperlink on the website/ You can submit your entries via Google Forms using the link given below by 11:59pm IST on the 27th of November.
​Winners will be declared on the 29th of November (the last day of the conference).
Judge: Vineet Johnson
If you've registered for 2 min solutions, but haven't received the google form for the submissions, then please write to us at neuronov20@gmail.com at the earliest!